Inheritance World Ministries

How You Can Get Involved

Below are some specific needs we have presently or will have in the near future for people to serve. I one of strikes your fancy please let us know as we would love to have you as part of our associate staff team.

  • Mission Team Members – It may just be that God has been calling you to step out and serve others through a short term mission. It is not enough to want to accomplish things like helping to fund and construct children’s facilities we need the people power to actually do it. The reason why we run missions to places like Kenya is to partner with the ministries we know that operate there that are doing great work and making a huge impact, but we also run mission so that people like yourself can go and see and experience first hand the ministry God has called us to do! Serving as a mission team member will not only turn the course of eternity in the life of the people you will be ministering to, it will also change the course of your live as well! (Approximate total time involved: 40 hours of preparation and training, and 15 actual mission field days per mission trip)
  • Shoppers – I know there are probably many of you out there that love to shop and are good at saving loads of money for your family. We will need people to food shop for us in the near future for items we will be taking with us on our mission trip that are difficult to find were we are going. If this is sounds like you why not use your gift to help us save time and money and glorify God in the process? (Approximate total time involved: 6 total hours)
  • People Willing To Sew – We will need sheets sewn together in the form of a sleeping back to slide over air mattresses for our team members on our trip coming up. If there is someone that loves to sew we know just how you can serve and be a huge blessing in the process. (Approximate total time involved: 8 total hours)
  • Website Designer / Manager – We could use someone to head up overseeing and designing as specialized website for a major up and coming project. If there is someone gifted in this area and willing to take on the task and serve in this way that would be awesome. (Approximate total time involved: Unknown but can be done in small increments weekly over time)
  • Email Campaign Manager – We are in need of somebody to oversee and produce our weekly and monthly emails and coordinate the sending of them to go out automatically. Our email templates are already made and we would show you just what to do. Much of it is cut and paste and proofreading. Serving in this way is vital to letting our ministry family stay in the know. (Approximate total time involved: 3 hours a month)
  • Excel Software Manager – We could use someone to compile lists in excel for the support raised for all our team members as well as covert hand written lists into Excel and print labels from the same. If you know Excel and have a willingness to serve in this capacity is would be so appreciated. (Approximate total time involved: 4 hours a week)
  • People to print, collate, and assemble – If you have access to a computer and printer and can print and assemble mission team workbooks, then your gift would go a long way in serving! (Approximate time involved: 4 hours monthly)
  • Envelope Stuffers / Mailers – We could use someone that can fold and stuff envelopes for items such as newsletters, special gift receipts,  and special mailings apply provided postage and then mail those items. If this is something you could do while even watching the television it would be such a blessing! (Approximate total time involved: 5 hours a month)

If you feel that there is an area listed above that you would like to serve in or even one that wasn’t but your have a willingness to get involve we would love to have you as a member of our associate staff team. Please let us know by either calling us at 570 460-1442 or CLICK HERE TO EMAIL US!

Our Thoughts On Serving And Teamwork!

At present Inheritance World Ministries is run entirely by a family of people willing to volunteer their time and service in serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Working as a collective whole we can always accomplish far more than we could working towards the same goals as individuals.

It is this team philosophy that we have adopted that helps us to spur one another on and move closer towards what God would have us to do and still be able to serve in the capacity we do.

The truth of the matter in though that we need to keep our team strong in order to share the load. Which is why we not only need you, but want you!

No matter what your gifts, talents or abilities I know that you can and will fill a vital role in serving through this ministry.

Please feel free to email us or call and let us know about your interest in serving and your consideration in being part of our volunteer associate staff team.

I am sure we can use your willingness to serve in a major way so why not contact us today!

Not sure you can serve in this way consider ministering through another way. Click here to learn more!