Inheritance World Ministries

Through The Storm Ministries (Haven On The Hill Children’s Home – Kenya, Africa)

Phil and Janice Wagner saw the need in the central region of Kenya Africa to provide shelter, guidance and a family for orphaned children of that area. They are great people with a great heart for God! Through The Storm Ministries is a Christian organization dedicated to the help of those in need.

They work to help individuals through unexpected events in their lives. Their goal is to show the love of God to those who need God the most, and are committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus to the unsaved, both in word and in deed on an international level, one vision that God gave them in 2000 was to build a children’s home in the Gacharage area near Gatundu, Kenya in Africa.

This vision was birthed the first time that Janice visited Kenya with a friend. They brought their first 5 children into their new home in June, 2008. They have made many trips to Kenya and have given out many hundreds of pairs of shoes and Bibles to the poor and shared the message of salvation to many.

Today at present the home cares for 22 boys and has plans to care for a total of 100 children once the two other buildings are complete. The home provides food, clothing, housing, medical, education and love for the boys. These boys were brought to the home because they were abandoned or abused and had no one to care for them. But because of the Haven that has all since changed.

Because of Through The Storm Ministries commitment to remaining debt free and because of their wise planning they have been able to utilize the funds others give to them to the fullest by growing much of the food for the children, producing their own milk, and even creating their own gas for cooking from an ecologically friendly bio gas system.

They are not only taking care of the children’s present needs, but also making a long term investment into the lives of each one, by nurturing them and in teach them through example about the true love of Christ and the knowledge of knowing Him personally.

Click the link below to visit Through The Storm Ministries.
