Inheritance World Ministries

Prayer Calendar

Below are a list of items for this month that we would appreciate you joining us in prayer about. We would encourage you to visit this page often or print it out and posting it on your mirror, desk or fridge or wherever would be a good spot to help remind you of our needs. Here is a breakdown for this month by each week:


Week 1

Please pray for Phil and Janice Wagner as they go to Kenya to visit the Haven on the Hill Children’s Home and work through some project that need to be done and again visit the children there.

week 2

Please pray for our board and staff as we plan through the details or our ministry for the coming year.

week 3

Please pray for Monica at the Victory and Miracle Children’s Centre in the Kibera Slum in Nairobi. Please pray for continued finances for her to feed and educate the children there and please pray for her daughter that has TB.

Week 4

Please pray for the mission team members as they send out support letter asking for prayer and financial help to allow them to travel to Kenya this July.


Week 1

Please pray for a continued finances to come in for the mission team as we need to have a large sum in place in order to purchase airline tickets at the end of the month.

Week 2

Please pray that God would touch the hearts of each of our team members in a way that would allow him to minister through them as they prepare for Kenya.

Week 3

Please pray that the mission team would grow in unity and towards each other and that we would become a close and tight knit family.

Week 4

Please pray for all the details of the mission trip that need to be finalized this week including the purchasing of the airline tickets and the beginning process of team planning.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and all you do! God Bless You!